We are part of the free knowledge ecosystem.
Creative Commons
As an early strategic partner, Creative Commons (CC) continues to serve as a valued partner and collaborator for our platform. With deeply shared values in the free knowledge movement, we are committed to using CC0, CC-BY and public domain content. Since launching our Beta platform at the CC Summit in 2019, we have remained regularly engaged with Creative Commons to collaboratively create an online future that we are proud of.
Grant for the Web
The time and energy of our community of content contributors is highly valuable to us. In order to build a sustainable support system, fairly pay our contributors, and lower the barriers to content curation, we’ve partnered with Grant for the Web to explore platform monetization efforts, and successfully launched our first Residency for Critics of Color.
Critical Minded Initiative
Crucial financial support for our Critics of Color Program was made available by the Critical Minded Initiative allowed us to launch a new idea with an urgent mission to amplify voices that are historically missing from the field of cultural criticism.
Smithsonian Open Access: We collaborated with Smithsonian to promote and celebrate the launch of their Open Access Initiative that brought 3.4 million new works into the public domain.
Circular economy of giving and taking
Open knowledge ecosystem.
At Curationist, community comes in many forms.
- Funding sponsors
- Collaborative partners
- Allies pursuing collective goals
- Contributors adding their skills
Together we make meaningful cultural change.