The Actors Ichikawa Monnosuke II and Segawa Kikunojo III as the Lovers Seijuro (right) and Onatsu (left), in the Elopement Scene "Michiyuki Hiyoku no Kiku-cho" (An Elopemet: Chrysanthemum-and-Butterfly Lovebirds), a Dance Interlude from Part Two of the Play Kabuki no Hana Bandai Soga (Flower of Kabuki: The Eternal Soga), Performed at the Ichimura Theater from the Twenty-fifth Day of the Fourth Month, 1781

Creator Name

Katsukawa Shunsho 勝川 春章 Japanese, 1726-1792;
Katsukawa Shunsho

Cultural Context



c. 1781

Work details

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The Actors Ichikawa Monnosuke II and Segawa Kikunojo III as the Lovers Seijuro (right) and Onatsu (left), in the Elopement Scene "Michiyuki Hiyoku no Kiku-cho" (An Elopemet: Chrysanthemum-and-Butterfly Lovebirds), a Dance Interlude from Part Two of the Play Kabuki no Hana Bandai Soga (Flower of Kabuki: The Eternal Soga), Performed at the Ichimura Theater from the Twenty-fifth Day of the Fourth Month, 1781


Katsukawa Shunsho 勝川 春章 Japanese, 1726-1792;
Katsukawa Shunsho


Print; woodblock print; print; asian art

Cultural Context



Color woodblock print; aiban


32.5 × 28 cm (12 13/16 × 11 in.)






c. 1781


Clarence Buckingham Collection

Style Period

Japanese (culture or style)


Public Domain
Public Domain









All Works in Curationist’s archives can be reproduced and used freely. How to attribute this Work:

Katsukawa Shunsho 勝川 春章 Japanese, 1726-1792, The Actors Ichikawa Monnosuke II and Segawa Kikunojo III as the Lovers Seijuro (right) and Onatsu (left), in the Elopement Scene "Michiyuki Hiyoku no Kiku-cho" (An Elopemet: Chrysanthemum-and-Butterfly Lovebirds), a Dance Interlude from Part Two of the Play Kabuki no Hana Bandai Soga (Flower of Kabuki: The Eternal Soga), Performed at the Ichimura Theater from the Twenty-fifth Day of the Fourth Month, 1781, c. 1781, Art Institute of Chicago. Public Domain.

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