Pencil Sharpener, "Electro-Pointer"

Creator Name

Stile Craft Manufacturers, Inc.

Cultural Context



ca. 1930

About the work

Brooklyn Museum Object Description

Streamlined electric pencil sharpener (a) with removable shavings drawer (b) and detachable cord (c). (a) Body in molded black plastic attached to conforming metal base with screws; underside of base lined with rubber. From rectangular base with rounded back side, body rises to triangular fin-shaped hump with a generally vertical front side, a downward curving top, and all-over rounded and streamlined contours. Shallow molded horizontal ridge along front side about 1 ½" up from bottom edge continues and angles down around each side toward back where the side ridges rise to a point and meet in center forming a triangle; down the center of this triangle, a raised pointed rib runs to base. Another raised pointed rib runs down center ...

Work details

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Pencil Sharpener, "Electro-Pointer"


Stile Craft Manufacturers, Inc., Manufacturer



Cultural Context



Molded plastic, metal


5 7/8 x 3 5/8 x 8 1/4 in. (14.9 x 9.2 x 21 cm)






ca. 1930


Brooklyn Museum Collection

Style Period



Creative Commons Attribution
Creative Commons-BY


(1) On (a), affixed on bottom of base, rectangular white sticker printed in blue: "[in script] Electro-Pointer / [printed] PATENTED / SERIAL / NUMBER 18247 / BY / STILE CRAFT MFGRS., INC. / 1825 MACKLIND AVE. / ST. LOUIS 10, MO." (2) On (a), on metal plate riveted to inside of body underneath drawer, molded: "STILE CRAFT / MFRS. INC. / ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI / MODEL [blank space] STYLE [blank space]" (3) On (b), affixed to proper right front of fillings drawer, round light yellow sticker printed in red: "[around outer edge] EMPTY THIS / DRAWER / [in center and framed by red ring] PULL"


Saint Louis, Missouri, United States





All Works in Curationist’s archives can be reproduced and used freely. How to attribute this Work:

Stile Craft Manufacturers, Inc., Pencil Sharpener, "Electro-Pointer", ca. 1930, Brooklyn Museum. Creative Commons-BY.

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